Four Steps to Set Yourself Up for Financial Success

Four Steps to Set Yourself Up for Financial Success

2021 – 05/06 by Kurt Wunderlich Making big, hairy, audacious goals is easy. Achieving those goals by yourself is much harder. Nearly everyone has had some experience with just how difficult successful personal or financial change can be, and especially sticking with it over time. For evidence, look no further than the infamous New Year’s…

Financial Planning is About Your Life, Not Your Account Balance

Financial Planning is About Your Life, Not Your Account Balance

2021 – 04/14 What comes to mind when you hear the term financial planning? For many people the idea of financial planning comes with lots of baggage. The term may bring to mind investments, budgets, cash flow planning or unfamiliar financial jargon. Maybe you imagine sitting and pouring over piles of paper representing your financial…